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Teacher Application & Agreement Form

To be filled by all prospective teachers.


Une adresse de courriel valide. Tous les courriels de la part du système seront envoyés à cette adresse. L'adresse de courriel n'est pas publique et ne sera utilisée que si vous souhaitez recevoir un nouveau mot de passe, certaines actualités ou des notifications par courriel.
Birth Date

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Votre visage ou image virtuelle.
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I would like to serve as a Teacher with Varnasrama College – ONLINE (VCO) giving online courses in keeping with the following guidelines established by VCO:
1. I accept and will honor the statements made in the Mission & Vision Statement of the VCO as envisioned by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
2. I agree to follow the general guidelines established by the administrators of the VCO
3. I will not solicit donations from students who will sign up for my courses.
4. I will be cordial and respectful in my exchanges with the faculty members of the Varnasrama College as well as with my registered students.
5. Should I fail to uphold the above, I may be removed from my services at VCO.
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