Varnasrama College ONLINE (VCO) upholds the basic pillars of dharma (religiosity) such as:
- satyam (truthfulness),
- daya (compassion),
- tapah (discipline), and
- saucam (cleanliness).
The following gives a list of Ethics and Code of Conduct to be followed by all members of the VCO – Steering Committee, its various sub-committees and all Teachers and Students who enroll with VCO.
“Member” in this document refers to anyone who is officially connected with VCO either as a Committee/Staff Member or as a Teacher or Student.
Ethics and Code of Conduct
- Dealings and exchanges among VCO members in private or public must be cordial and apolitical.
- Dealings and exchanges of VCO members with the public must likewise be cordial and apolitical.
- None of the VCO members can speak on behalf of the VCO Educational Institution unless clearly pre-authorized.
- VCO members should work inside the frame of laws and legal systems within their respective countries.
- VCO members must show utmost respect to all bona fide institutions and organizations duly formed and registered.
- VCO members must avoid being overly critical of individuals or organizations in public forums.
- VCO members must avoid putting in jeopardy the good relationship or collaboration with various stakeholders connected with VCO.
- Any VCO member found to be violating the above Ethics and Codes of Conduct would be giving formal warning and would have to apologize publicly. If a member is found to repeat the mistake, then the VCO Steering Committee would vote on a proposal for removal of the member and the member would then be officially removed from his position.
VCO ADMIN – Compiled May 10, 2020