Saudäsa uväca trailakya bhagavan kinsvit, pavitram kathyate' nagha yat kirtayan sadä martyaù, präpnuyät punyam uttamam Saudäsa said, "O my lord! O sinless sage, what is that pure object within the three worlds that simply by taking its name, human beings can accumulate great piety?"
Text One Vaistha uvaca gävaù surabhi gandhinyas, tathä guggulu gandhayaù gävaù pratiñöhä bhütänäà, gävaù svastyanam mahat The great sage Vasistha said, "O King, many varieties of aroma emanate from the body of a cow. As such, many cows are as fragrant as guggula resin. The cow is the support of all living entities, and the ocean of auspiciousness."
Text Two gävo bhütäm ca bhävyaà ca, gävah pustih sanätané gävo laksmäs tathä mülaà, goñu dattam na naçyati "The cow is the past and future. She nourishes the health of all living entities, and she is the root of prosperity. The piety one achieves by feeding a cow in never destroyed."
Text Three annaà hy paramam gävo, devänäà paramaà haviù svähakära vañaö kärau, goñu nityaà pratiñöhitau "The cow is the cause of one's accumulation of food grains. She awards the best sacrificial ingredients to the demigods. The sacrifice of the demigods and the sacrifice of Indra are both performed on the basis of the cow."
Text Four gävo yajïasya hy phalaà, goñu yajnah pratiñöhitah gävo bhaviçyaà bhütaà ca, goñu -yajïäù pratiñöhitaù "It is the cow which awards the result of sacrifice. The performance of sacrifice is dependent upon her. She is the past and future. All sacrifices are based upon her."
Text Five säyaà prätaçca satataà, homa käle mahädyute gävo dadati vai homyam, åñibhyaù puruñarsabha "O greatly powerful King, every morning and evening when the sages perform fire sacrifices, it is the cow who supplies them the essential ingredients, in the form of ghee, etc."
Text Six yäni käni ca durgäni, duñkåtäni kåtäni ca taranti caiva papmänaà , dhenuà ye dadati prabho "My dear King, those who give milk-cows in charity become liberated from all types of danger, and also become free from all sinful reactions."
Text Seven ekäm ca dañugurdadyät, daça dadyätcca goçati çatam sahasra purdadyät, sarve tulya phalä hy te "One who has ten cows should donate one cow, one who has one hundred cows should donate ten cows, and one who has one thousand cows should donate one hundred cows. All these persons are eligible to achieve the same amount of piety."
Text Eight anähitägniù satagur, yajvä ca sahasra guù samåddho yaçca kinaço, närdhyamarhanti te traya "A person who does not perform agnihotra sacrifices, even after keeping one hundred cows, a person who does not perform fire sacrifices, despite possessing one thousand cows, and a person who does not give up miserliness, are not fit to be shown any respect.'
Text Nine kapiläà ye prayacchanti, sa vatsäà kämsya dohanäm subratäà vastra samvitäm, ubhau lokau jayanti te "A person who donates a brown cow that is full of auspicious symptoms, along with her calf, and also donates a pot made of bell metal for milking the cow, conquers both this world and the next."
Text Ten yuvänäm indriyopetäà , çatena çata yuöhapaà gavendram brähmanendräya , bhuri çåìgam alaìkåtäà vrsabhaà ye prayacchanti , çrotriyäya paraìtapa aiçvaryaà te' dhigacchanti , jäya mänäù punaù punaù "O destroyer of the enemy, those who donate one hundred healthy, strong, nicely decorated bulls, that have strong horns, along with one hundred cows, to a qualified brahmana, who is expert in the knowledge of the Vedas, certainly achieve great wealth in this life and in future lives as well."
Text Eleven nä kértayitvä gäha supyät, täsäà saàsmrtyä cotpatet säyäà prätar namasye ca, gästataù pustimäpnuyät "Do not go to bed at night without praising cows. Do not get up in the morning without remembering the cow. Offer respect to the cow daily, in the morning. By doing so, a human being achieves strength and nourishment."
Text Twelve gaväà mütra purisasya, nodvijeta kathaïcana na cäsäà mäàsa maçnéyäd, gaväà pustià tathäpnuyät "Do not hate cow urine and cow dung. Never eat cow meat. By following this advice, human beings can become prosperous."
Text Thirteen gäçca sankértaye nityaà, näva manyeta tästathä anistaà svapramälaksya, gäà naraù samprakértayet "Chant the name of the cow daily and never insult her. If one sees a bad dream, one should immediately remember the cow." Text Fourteen gomayena sadä snäyät, karése cäpi saàviçot çlesma mütra purisäni, pratighätaà ca varjayet "Before taking a daily bath, apply cow dung. Sit down on a place smeared with cow dung. Do not spit, urinate and pass stool upon cow dung. Always avoid hitting cows."
Text Fifteen ghåtena juhuyädagni, ghåtena svasti väcayet ghåtaà dadyät ghåtaà präçod, gaväà pustià sadäçnute "Use ghee in fire sacrifices. Use ghee in all auspicious activities. Donate ghee and also use it for personal necessities. By doing this, the human beings will always support the cows and understand their value.
Text Sixteen gomatyä vidyayä dhenuà ,télänäà abhimantrya yaù sarva ratra mayià daddyätra, sa çocet kåtäkåte "A person who donates a cow to a qualified brahmana, along with sesame seed, after duly performing the necessary ritual, does not have to suffer the consequences of his pious and sinful activities."
Text Seventeen gävo maàupatisthantu, hema çrìgyäh payo mucah surahu saurabhe yaçca, saritah sägaraà yathä "As the rivers flow into the ocean, may Surabhi and Saurabheyi cows that give milk and have horn covered with gold, come to me."
Text Eighteen gävai paçyäàyahaà nityaà, gävah paçyantu mäà sadä gävo' smäkaà vayaà täsäà, yato gävastato vayaà "May I always see the cow and may the cow always see me. The cow belongs to me and I belong to the cow. I wish to live in a place where cows live."
Text Nineteen evaà rätrau divä cäpi, samesu visamesu ca mahäbhayeçu can narah, kértayan mucchyate bhayät "A person who, either during the day or at night, either in happiness or at a time of fearful conditions, remembers or glorifies the cow, certainly becomes freed from all fearful conditions."
Text Twenty gaväà dåñövä namaskåtya, kuryäcciva pradakñinaà pradakiñné kåtä tena, saptadvipä vasundharä mätarah sarva bhütänäà, gävah sarva sukha pradäh våddhià äkaàçatä nityaà, gävah käryäh pradakñinäh "One should see, offer obeisances, and circumambulate the cow. By doing so, one is suppose to have circumambulated the entire earth, with its seven islands. The cow is the mother of all. She gives happiness to everyone. People who desire prosperity should daily circumambulate the cow."