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Teacher Application & Agreement Form

To be filled by all prospective teachers.


Birth Date

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Picture of you smiling. Ideally a squared photo with your face in the center. This field is required.
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I would like to serve as a Teacher with Varnasrama College – ONLINE (VCO) giving online courses in keeping with the following guidelines established by VCO:
1. I accept and will honor the statements made in the Mission & Vision Statement of the VCO as envisioned by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
2. I agree to follow the general guidelines established by the administrators of the VCO
3. I will not solicit donations from students who will sign up for my courses.
4. I will be cordial and respectful in my exchanges with the faculty members of the Varnasrama College as well as with my registered students.
5. Should I fail to uphold the above, I may be removed from my services at VCO.
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