Transcendental knowledge (Parā vidyā)

Knowledge that gives us information about the spiritual world, spiritual life, spiritual identity and the spirit soul is called parā vidyā. The Vedānta-sütra is accepted as the parā vidyā. Srimad-Bhāgavatam is an explanation of that parā vidyā. It is stated in Bhagavad-gītā (15.15) by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Śrī Kṛṣṇa, that the purpose of studying the Vedas is to understand Him (vedaiś ca sarvair aham eva vedyaḥ). Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu explained to Sanātana Gosvāmī that there are three purposes in the Vedas. One is to understand our relationship with Kṛṣṇa (sambandha), another is to act according to that relationship (abhidheya), and the third is to reach the ultimate goal (prayojana).

Hence transcendental knowledge is generally divided into three parts. 1. Discovering our identity or relation with creation and creator (Sambandha) – We have taken birth as human beings and are living in a society, but we do not remember our past. We do not know our position before our birth. We identify ourselves with our body, family, work, society, nation etc but is it our true identity? Hence the first knowledge to be acquired is to learn about our own identity. Discovering our identity deals with answering the following basic questions - a. Who I am - Am I this body, because I feel like a person inside this body or person using this body. b. Who has created me and this society that I live in? c. Who has created this nature – different planets, minerals, vegetation, animals and so on that we so much depend on? d. Where have I come from and where am I going? e. What is my relation with this world and its creator? f. Why am I suffering? I do not want to suffer but suffering comes and I am also prone to suffer in future.

2. Knowledge of proper actions or duty (Abhideha) – Denial that I am not suffering or making a compromise that since everyone is suffering, I should also tolerate my suffering - is ignorance. By applying proper knowledge we can put an end to our suffering. This purpose we need to have knowledge of actions need to be performed to end the suffering. a. What is my accountability having taken this position and facilities? b. What is right action and what is wrong? c. What work needs to be performed to serve that purpose? d. Knowing the practical solutions to end all suffering e. What are the difficulties faced in implementing the solutions f. How to overcome them and protect our self, to be steady to achieve success.

3. Discovering our purpose and reaching it (Prayojana) – With the question of identity and duty comes the question of purpose. We see that everything around me has some purpose, and hence our life should also have a purpose. A knowledgeable person should be clear about that purpose, otherwise there will be confusion and one may be lost about his duties. Discovering our purpose deals with answering the following basic questions - a. What is the purpose of my life? b. What is the purpose of this society? c. What is the purpose of this whole creation? d. With what purpose is it created