Understanding Varnasrama Mission

This subject details how Varnasrama helps in Krishna Consciousness which is the goal of life. People in general have misconceptions or doubts about varnasrama. However Srila Prabhupada very much wanted that Varnasrama should be established. The aim of this course is to remove basic doubts and to understand how Varnasrama and Krishna Consciousness go together. This Subject is divided into 3 module and different chapters

Module 1 – Mission of Lord Chaitanya 1. Kaliyuga and appearance of Lord Chaitanya 2. Six Goswami to Srila Prabhupada 3. Sankirtana mission 4. Temple-Entry mission 5. Initiation Movement 6. Varnasrama Mission

Module 2 – Social organization 1. Why society needs organization 2. Communist system 3. Capitalist system 4. Democracy and Monarchy 5. Varnasrama System 6. Asuric Varnasrama and Daiva Varnasrama

Module 3 – Varnasrama and Bhakti 1. Clearing general doubts 2. Previous Acharyas establishing Varnasrama 3. Srila Prabhupada establishing Varnasrama 4. Society "Must" be divided