नैतिकता और आचार संहिता

वर्णाश्रम कॉलेज ऑनलाइन (VCO) धर्म के इन मूल स्तंभों का समर्थन और पालन करता है :

  1. सत्य,
  2. दया ,
  3. तपः (अनुशासन), और
  4. शौचं (सफाई)।

निम्नलिखित नैतिकता और आचार संहिता की एक सूची है, जिसका पालन - VCO - संचालन समिति, इसकी विभिन्न उप-समितियों और VCO के साथ जुड़ने वाले सभी शिक्षकों और छात्रों को करना है।

इस दस्तावेज़ में "सदस्य" उन सबको संदर्भित करता है जो आधिकारिक तौर पर VCO के साथ एक समिति / कर्मचारी सदस्य या शिक्षक या छात्र के रूप में जुड़े हुए है।

नैतिकता और आचार संहिता

  1. Dealings and exchanges among VCO members in private or public must be cordial and apolitical.
  2. Dealings and exchanges of VCO members with the public must likewise be cordial and apolitical.
  3. None of the VCO members can speak on behalf of the VCO Educational Institution unless clearly pre-authorized.
  4. VCO members must follow and respect the laws and legal systems in their respective countries.
  5. VCO members must show utmost respect to all bona fide institutions and organizations duly formed and registered.
  6. VCO members must avoid being overly critical of individuals or organizations in public forums.
  7. VCO members must avoid putting in jeopardy the good relationship or collaboration with various stakeholders connected with VCO.
  8. Any VCO member found to be violating the above Ethics and Codes of Conduct would be giving formal warning and would have to apologize publicly. If a member is found to repeat the mistake, then the VCO Steering Committee would vote on a proposal for removal of the member and the member would then be officially removed from his position.

VCO ADMIN – Compiled May 10, 2020