This subject is for those who are already managing or in future plan to manage Goshalla. This is better learnt as apprentice under someone already taking care of Goshalla. However seeing the situation in the current times an online course is designed to remove the fear of unknown and make a person more inspired to take up this service.
Module 1– Goshalla services 1. History of cow protection 2. Cow protection and Agriculture 3. Self Sufficient Goshalla 4. Different cow breeds 5. Activities in goshalla
Module 2 - Taking care of cows 1. Serving mother cow 2. Serving calves 3. Serving bulls 4. Serving Old Cows 5. Serving Gopas and Gopis
Module 3 - Panchagavya food products 1. Cow Milk 2. Yogurt 3. Ghee 4. Butter 5. Buttermilk, 6. Paneer 7. Srikhand 8. Rabri or Condensed milk
Module 4 - Panchagavya Medicines 1. Cow Urine 2. Cow Dung
Module 5 - Panchagavya other products 1. Soaps 2. Fertilizer 3. Pesticides