The full details of the launch event will be announced soon. You can also visit our Facebook Page at
There is no better time than now to revive the online varnasrama college project. The lockdown around the world due to the Covid-19 pandemic has made online learning a necessity, not to mention a growing trend around the world. More than that, we believe that the novel coronavirus outbreak that began late last year can be somehow linked to lifestyles and consumption habits of modern society.
Thus, in line with our mission to establish Krishna conscious village communities around the world, a group of devotees have come together, under the guidance of Bhakti Raghava Swami, to kickstart this project.
We are currently assembling a team of teachers who are keen to offer courses on Varnasrama College Online (VCO). More information will be provided regarding the programmes and courses that will be offered very soon.
In the meantime, we are also looking for volunteers who are keen to join the team to support the project administratively. Particularly, we need devotees who are experienced in education management, learning management systems (LMS), web development, UX design, marketing communications and project management.
If you have any inquiries or would like to volunteer or support this effort in any way, please contact us at
Please also drop us a quick message if you would like to be updated regarding this project.