Basic First Aid Techniques

Teacher: Vamsi Vadan Das

First aid is the first assistance given to a casualty for any injury /illness before the arrival of an ambulance or Qualified medical person or paramedic or before arriving at a facility that can provide professional medical care .First Aid is provided to preserve life ,prevent the condition from worsening or to promote recovery .

In Many of our day to day activities we may encounter many individuals/living beings who need immediate medical help ,But we stand still alarmed by the event taking place in front of our eyes and not knowing what to do ,We take out our phones dail emergency number or take the individual to medical care setting .In doing so we may loose golden time from minutes to hours which could have made difference to affected individual if done in a structured way .

With this course providing summary of First Aid Techniques , We will feel confident to provide immediate basic care to the required which will fill your heart with satisfaction of helping someone and fill the heart of affected individual/family with gratitude to whom you had rendered service .

The course will increase/invoke serving attitude in the student which will help in searching his career in first aid field if interested .

Course Times
вс, фев 19 2023, 16:00 - 18:30 Asia/Kolkata (16:00 - 18:30 Asia/Kolkata)
вс, фев 26 2023, 16:00 - 18:30 Asia/Kolkata (16:00 - 18:30 Asia/Kolkata)
Course type
Language of Instruction
Who can take the course
Benefits of taking the course
1.Will be able to help the Needy without panic.
2.Will learn about simple procedures which can save lives.
3.Confidence of Dealing with an Emergency
4.The course will increase/invoke serving attitude in the student and also will help him in searching his career in first aid field if interested .
Duration of the course
TOTAL 5 hours , Every 2nd and 3rd Sunday as per Schedule.